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Anthony Bourdain Food Network, The original publication of Kitchen Confidential was released in 2000. Although I've been a big fan of Anthony Bourdain and his style of food and criticism of trip, I never got to read the book until recently. I guess maybe like aging a fine wine I was hoping that over time would give me a better perspective on how to interpret its contents. The book has been reissued with some additional comments maybe tone down the original musings.

This is largely an autobiography of someone who was full of passion for food, but not actually move to throw everything together until much later in life. I guess it's a good moral for all of us. He is not ashamed to say about his addiction to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. One is really surprised that he is someone who can still stand. His story is typical of someone who has a great intellect, paired with a total lack of ambition, drowned by a dominant ego. His career seems to go through concerts kitchen faster than you can pop the aspirin, which is actually one of their special talents.

Bourdain is the original toilet mouth with celebrity chef. Based on his outrageous comments in the book that got its first television in 2002 on the Food Network travel around the world, trying to gross everyone with their propensity to eat the brain and intestines. The use of shock value in the world of cooking was born. Unfortunately, paved the way for Gordon Ramsay who just went one better than Bourdain. That is, if you believe a dirty mouth is a great asset in a great chef. I mention this because if you are at all offended by bad language is not a good book for you. On the other hand if you can read through the entire bulk material Bourdain understand that acting is really his way of expressing his admiration for the way things culinary.


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