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Watch Food Network Challenge Online, How can anyone resist a challenge of food? Food challenges are appearing all over the country in restaurants. Fuddruckers across the country to publish your photo in the restaurant if you can eat your hamburger 2 lbs. Restaurant Pho Garden San Francisco has a bowl of pho 4 pounds for $ 22 with your photo on the wall as a prize as well. I had my own experiences food challenge.

That goes back a few years, several friends of my bedroom and I had midnight snacks one night and wish nothing but the goodness of fat we all know as In-N-Out. (What's so fascinating about a "secret menu" that is not really a secret?) In the secret menu, I had a neopolitan milkshake and I have eaten a 4x4. A 4x4 is composed of 4 meat patties and 4 slices of cheese. DO NOT. The night my friends bedroom had the munchies result in heavier eat foods that I have experienced in my life. I laid in bed cursing the monstrous burger and said that if I did all night without vomiting, I would never do such a thing again!

The burger was unbalanced. Can not wait 2 small buns, a little lettuce, a slice of tomato and some cheese to balance the weight of 4 beef patties. I might well have driven on the campus of Cal Poly and eats a cow have in the stables. What is even more worrying is that it washed down with a shake of Naples! That's it! A Neapolitan is a batter of 3 layers with strawberries, chocolate and vanilla. But everyone wanted to know if we could make any combination of meat and cheese I wanted and if I would be able to scarf down.


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