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Pizza Recipes Food Network, At this time of year, spring is coming, millions of people around the world are subject to an obsession with morels. It's about the flavor of these fungi difficult is responsible hobby. It has been said that the difference in taste between Morel and a common fungus is similar to the difference between cheese and chalk. The mushroom flavor is rich and creamy, earthy. Chefs from around the world prepare unique creations using this rare fungus, and the morel creations unique experience in gourmet dining is a highlight of the spring dinner. Here are some tips to save, preserve and cook delicious mushrooms rare. And also some precautions to be taken into account.

Morels are mushrooms, and like all fungi need to be cooked before eating. It is also important to know how to correctly identify these fungi, as there are many that look like morels are poisonous. Protect yourself by taking the time to study the mushrooms. Consumption of fungi identification guides and visit some of the best sites on the web Morel to know the difference. If you are looking for mushrooms for the first time, you should go with an experienced friend who knows the difference between the morel mushrooms and varieties of mortals. You need to know what you are eating, and very particular. If the mushrooms show any signs of decay, throw them out as bacteria can be harmful. Cook morels before eating, and eating only a small amount at first to test for any allergic reaction. Do not mix different types of mushrooms in a meal. Do not consume alcohol at the same time. Some people are allergic to fungi that are generally safe. Start by eating small amounts and see how your body reacts.


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