Food Network Fish Tacos | Food Network Fish Tacos Tilapia 2011

Food Network Fish Tacos RecipeFood Network Fish Tacos Recipe

Food Network Fish Tacos TylerFood Network Fish Tacos Tyler

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Food Network Fish Tacos ThrowdownFood Network Fish Tacos Throwdown

Food Network Fish Tacos. Today is a special day because I'm going to talk about food that is dear to my heart. And that is grilled fish recipes for Mexican food. In other words, we do fish tacos. Not that Southern California influence that comes out. Now I could eat fish tacos every day because you not only love me, but two, if done well are very healthy for you. Here's an example: Sit down and eat barbecue tri-tip and, well, maybe not, but I'm eating half of it in one sitting. Red meat. That is not all that healthy for you too much. Notice I said too much, I will not say I'm saying anyonne all that red meat is unhealthy. No, that would be bad for the business of barbecue.

What I am saying is that we must be prudent in our decisions. And you can not get much wiser than recipes for grilled fish and the fish tacos. Shoot, you can eat six of them and still not get a half pound of meat. And depending on the selection of fish you choose, this could be very healthy indeed. Therefore, tequila lime fish tacos. Do not worry, the alcohol is burned.

* 4 tilapia fillets (about 1 pound)

* 4 tablespoons oil

2 tablespoons lemon juice

* Grated zest of 2 lemons

1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil

2 tablespoons tequila

Salt and pepper to taste


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