Fish Tacos Food Network | Fish Tacos Food Network Recipe 2011

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Fish Tacos Food Network. My father loved the watercress. His idea of ??a perfect lunch was a sandwich of cold roast beef with watercress on the side. He sprinkled salt on the grass and eaten as is, no frills, no salad dressing. This pungent herb was available when I was a kid, but it is harder to find today.

Like my father, I am fond of watercress, and although my grocery store sometimes has, the times are few. The plant grows along many rivers and streams in Minnesota. Although I have seen, I do not pick or eat it as it could be contaminated with agricultural runoff, fertilizers and pesticides.

A British website, Recipes watercress, wild watercress says can be harmful to your health. According to the article, "not eating wild watercress," the clean water can not be verified, especially if the grass is growing near a factory. "The water could be holding bacteria that can affect the watercress and ultimately affect the people who will eat," says the article.

Today, the grass is grown commercially and is safe. You can find specialty food shops and farmers markets. Before buying watercress, make sure the sample in water clean and clear. If you like this herb can buy a kit hydroponics Watercresskits on the website. The kit contains organic seeds and a mat of growth. Seeds and carpet replacement are available.

I have many historical cookbooks on my shelves and the other is "A Matter of Taste: The ultimate condiment cookbook" Sylvia Windle Humphrey. It contains a recipe for watercress soup and a salad recipe old English. To make the salad, the grass is arranged in the first half of a "clean plate." Then comes a layer of sliced ??oranges and lemons. The salad is garnished with sliced ??celery, raisins, capers and dressed with oil, vinegar and some sugar.


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