Food Network Aarti Party | Food Network Aarti Party Recipes 2011

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Food Network Aarti Party RecipesFood Network Aarti Party Recipes

Food Network Aarti Party. The word vegan causes a lot of connotations, not only about what we are (freaks), but what we eat. When you remove not only all the meat, but eggs, cheese, milk, etc, people ask, "What's left?" The most common assumption is that all vegans are eating salads. Well, I like salad. I do not understand, usually do not have nutrition and generally only serves as a vehicle for a dressing that defeats the purpose of vegetables. So far, I never ate it. I, however, the love of cooking shows. PBS, Food Network, the cooking channel, whatever. I grew up with on Saturday mornings the Frugal Gourmet, Jacques Pepin, and Yan can cook. However, my favorite cooking shows is not very friendly to vegetarians, except of course for the salad. A person who does this exceptionally well is the new headquarters of the Food Network Aarti Sequeira. Their program, "Aarti Party" (Sunday afternoon), it is American favorites injected with Indian touch. She does wonderfully bizarre as salads that has turned me into the side of mixed vegetables. I have two recipes below, Apple Coleslaw and kale salad massage. I am also including my very favorite summer salad (they do before it's too late!), Tomato nectarine. The latter was taken by my friend Jessica, who cooked dinner for me more times than I can count, and continued to invite me even after I became a vegetarian. It may seem contradictory to end a post on the wrong stereotype that "vegans only eat salads," with three salad recipes, but if that were true, these salads are vegetarian worth!

Tomato, nectarine
4 medium-sized tomatoes
4 nectarines (white or yellow)
1 / 2 red onion, sliced
1 / 2 cup cilantro, chopped
Juice of 1 lemon or lime
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Dice the tomatoes and nectarines at approximately the same size, 1 "cubes. Add to large bowl. You can add raw onions, however, I like to cook slightly to take a little bite. Add the onion, cilantro , olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to the fruit and mix. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later.


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